Hesperia Christian School

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Hesperia Christian School

School Profile
General Information
State California(CA) City Hesperia
School Name Hesperia Christian School Type Co-ed
Founded Grade K-12
Religious Affiliation Christian Accommodation Type Homestay
Nearest Airport Ontario or LAX Website http://www.hesperiachristian.org
Telephone 760-244-6164 School Type Private
Address 16775 Olive Street, Hesperia, CA 92345
Total Enrolled Student 220 Enrolled 9th-12th 90
AP/Honors Provided ESL Provided
% to go Colleges Over 90%
Admission Requirements

Step 1. Apply by Completing Instructions and Submitting the Documents
2.Application for Admission
3.Copy of passport front page (must be valid for at least 6 months prior to entry)
4.Birth Certificate, if available in your country
5.Transcripts with official translation in English (subjects, hours, and grades)
6.Verification of English Proficiency (Skype interview, ELTiS, TOEFL iBT, or IELTS)
7.Affidavit of Support
8.Bank Statement of sponsor in English (must match Affidavit of Support Sponsor)

School will communicate by email that student has received initial acceptance after evaluating the documents in Step 1.


Step 2. Complete Application Forms and Submit International Student Fee
1.Fill in and return the Commitment to Attend form
2.Student Commitment Form
3.Student Personal Report Form
4.Internet Use Policy and Agreement
5.California School Immunization Record in English (immunizations must be up-to-date in compliance with California requirements for students; the record must include dates)
6.Submit International Student Fee of $1,000.00 USD

To receive the I-20, Steps 1 and 2 must be completed.  I-20 will be sent by an express mail service to address provided on the Commitment to Attend Form.

Step 3. Apply for Entry into the United States 1.Apply at U.S. consulate or embassy in your country for student visa
2.Enter the U.S. at your choice of Port of Entry (POE). You will need:  ◦Form I-20 signed by a Designated School Official (DSO), from the school the student will attend
◦Financial documentation as evidence of ability to pay tuition and living expenses
◦Valid passport
◦Proof of payment of the SEVIS I-901 fee

3.Notify the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) when a decision is known (see HCS Contact Form)

4.Notify the school of expected date of arrival

Step 4. Before beginning classes (after visa is granted), the following items for an enrolled student must be completed:
1.Pay tuition see Tuition and Fee Schedule
2.Complete Financial Payment Agreement
3.Complete Mediation Agreement
4.Complete Authorization to Consent to Medical Treatment
5.Complete Medical Insurance Information
6.Complete Designated Guardian in the United States form
7.Complete Special Agreement for Student 18 Years or Older (if 18 years old at any time before graduation)
8.Complete Affidavit of Relationship for Home Stay Purposes (with supporting documents) if living with a blood relative
9.Complete Home Stay Release Form (if living in a host home) signed by parent or Designated Guardian

Step 5. Procedures Upon Arrival at School
1.Provide copy of visa and stamped passport
2.Receive and complete Orientation Packet
3.Complete Address/Information Form for immigration and web purposes – must be accurate and complete
4.Take the required Placement Exams before starting school if any are required

Fees & Payments
Year  2021   8th  $ 0.00   9th  $ 12,550.00
Tuition includes I-20, book rental, PE uniform, ESL class, college counseling, and resource center access. A $35 fee will be charged for all returned checks.
School Fee $1000
Other Questionnaire
AP, Honors, Clubs & Others
AP Biology, Calculus, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition
Honors Algebra II
Acceptances of Colleges after graduation
Students are accepted to the colleges of their choice, whether it be the local community college, state schools or universities, or private institutions. We will assist them with the common application used by the state of California and with transcripts and reference forms they will need for college admissions.
School Map
No Map
School Pictures

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