In 2002, Bishop Gregory Aymond authorized a feasibility study to determine if a Catholic high school in the north Austin area would attract sufficient demand and support to justify establishing one. Following a comprehensive effort to gather and analyze the demographic data, a Steering Committee was established and land was purchased. Soon after, a case statement for the Capital Campaign was developed which outlined the need for the school and the plans for construction. On October 12, 2008, construction commenced on St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School. Phase one of construction included 83,690 square feet of new construction, housing 13 classrooms, two science learning centers with laboratories, a computer learning center, a library/media center, a fine arts suite and art studio, a gym, administrative offices, a conference room, student health and teachers’ work suites and three leveled athletic fields. The school opened in the fall, 2009 and has grown quickly from 86 students to 365 students in four short years. |