South Christian High School

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South Christian High School

School Profile

In the early 1950s a group of visionaries saw the need for a Christian high school in southern Kent County. God blessed their planning and 109 10th and 11th graders entered South Christian High in the fall of 1954. The following year the 12th grade was added, and SCHS remained a three-year high school until 1992 when the 9th grade was added. More than 10,000 students have graduated from South Christian.

South Christian has a rich history of growth in which it experienced a steady increase in numbers to a peak of 834 students in 2001. A series of building additions, a continual revision of curriculum offerings, and an upgrading of technology accommodated the increased enrollment.

Because of a dire need for athletic facilities and a long range plan to build a new school, 130 acres were purchased on Kalamazoo Avenue between 76th and 84th streets. A beautiful sports park which includes facilities for tennis, soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse and cross country, now serves a thriving athletic program. In February of 2016, the SCHS Board unanimously voted to accept the single, largest pledge in the history of South Christian High School. This generous gift is designated for a new facility on the Kalamazoo Avenue property. We are overjoyed about the opportunity that a new facility will afford to equip students to live Christ-centered lives and serve him to the best of their abilities.

SCHS provides a rigorous and varied academic program. A schedule of vibrant chapels and a school life infused with the Reformed faith fosters spiritual development and a positive social atmosphere. All faculty members are certified by the State of Michigan and more than half have both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. They all profess Christ as their Savior and are dedicated to accomplishing the school’s mission — to provide a Christ-centered education, equipping students to serve God to their greatest potential.

General Information
State Michigan(MI) City Grand Rapids
School Name South Christian High School Type Co-ed
Founded Grade 9-12
Religious Affiliation Christian Accommodation Type Homestay
Nearest Airport Grand Rapids Website
Telephone 616-455-3210 School Type Private
Total Enrolled Student 650 Enrolled 9th-12th 650
AP/Honors Provided ESL Not Provided
% to go Colleges Over 90%
Admission Requirements

Step 1: You’ve already begun the first step in enrollment by discovering what South Christian has to offer your child.

Step 2: Complete the following forms:

Application for Enrollment
Financial Commitment Form
Basic Beliefs Form

Fees & Payments
Year  2021   8th  $ 0.00   9th  $ 14,000.00
International Student Tuition is $13,400.
Special Education students who enroll at South Christian from outside of the South Suburban Schools system will be expected to pay the “requested” tuition rate for their years at South Christian.
All students will receive free entrance into all home athletic events, a ticket to both the musical and play, and admittance to all dances held at SCHS.
Occasionally, students will be required to purchase consumable books or workbooks.
Other Questionnaire
AP, Honors, Clubs & Others
Acceptances of Colleges after graduation
School Map
No Map
School Pictures

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